advertise with gratzistickers

a powerful new way to get your message out

GratziStickers sends out stickers all across the country to fans who are energetic consumers. With GratziStickers Insert Advertising Program we place your promotional material alongside the outgoing stickers and let you deliver your dynamic advertisement in the outbound envelope at a fraction of the cost of traditional direct mail.

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Targeted Advertising Map

innovative targeted advertising

But what if I don't want to advertise nationwide? No problem. With GratziStickers proprietary GeoInsert system, your stickers can be focused to an entire region, a single state, or a particular zip code. That way, you only advertise to the people you think are valuable! People who request stickers from niche brands are usually are younger affluent professionals and students with a high amount of disposable income. Imagine direct mail advertising to someone who can't wait to get their favorite company's stickers and better yet, it's only to people you want to advertise to. No more getting thrown in the trash with all the other "junk mail," GratziStickers gets you into a consumers hands with their full attention turned towards the envelope.